101 Things

I will not do a boring introduction so I would attempt to come up with 100 things about myself which might appeal to you. These things would change in time. Yes, 100.

1. I prefer cats to dogs. I love big kitty cats like tigers and cougars. I prefer wolves to dogs frankly speaking so a poodle is a no no for me but an Alaskan Husky is nice.

2. I can sing. Not very well but I can sing. I can also make funny voices. (Watch Reborn from Katekyo Hitman Reborn)

3. I love anime. When I say love I mean by buying posters of different anime that I no longer have enough walls in my room to place them all up. Yes, I am a yaoi fan. LONG LIVE BOYS LOVE!

4. I am more of a rock than pop person. I love J-rock. The Gazette has to be the hottest thing alive and Hizaki is the prettiest boy breathing.

5. I read. I read a lot. I read in my dreams too. (It's true. I read my imaginary stories then panic about the thought of being sued if I published the book I dreamt about.)

6. I love sweet things like chocolates and sweets. Ice cream... chocolates, cakes and more chocolates... yes you get it.

7. I play the piano. Nothing grand about it. I have two hands and ten fingers like anyone else so I can play the piano. No... stop looking at me like that. It's just a piano. 

8. I was an English tuition teacher. The students did not think much of me as a teacher simply because I looked younger than them. No, it does not only happen in animes.

9. I hate people who hate anime. That is just as plain as day. You don't have to like it but if you hate it then I'll hate you back.

10. I am a Singaporean. No surprise here... and no Singapore is not China.

11. I like windy and cloudy days but no rainy and sunny days.

12. I have fears of failure. That is why I made "Failure is not an option." my motto.

13. I believe there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. My parents taught me so. Fullmetal Alchemist stated the Law of Equivalent Exchange in which I agree on wholeheartedly.

14. My fanfiction.net account name is also Destiny Aitsuji. No surprise.

15. Neither of my parents (or my brother) are good at English. They speak broken English and write worse than they speak.

16. I have more friends online than in real life. 

17. Most of the clothes I have are either my mom's or some hand me downs. I never had to buy them.

18. I am 151 cm tall. You can convert that to foot and inches if you like. It's really easy to lose me in a crowd.

19. Speaking of crowds I hate crowded places. In fact I hate humans. That seems strange right? I'm human so no worries. I just hat the ugly society humans make really. Nothing personal.

20. I believe in aliens more than God. Don't be offended when I say I don't believe in God. I do believe in devils, angels and ghosts. Heck, I even believe in the afterlife and reincarnation. 

21. I had pets before but none of them survived. Maybe I should steal a tiger... but then it might die. So much for responsibility. I have black fingers instead of green ones. Plants die under my care too. I remembered watering them though...

22. I think the blue rose has to be the prettiest flower ever. 

23. I believe in magic. I love tarot cards. I love fortune telling.

24. I prefer motorbikes to cars. In fact it would be a dream come true if I could ride a Harley Davidson (not as a pillion) but I think that will never happen. :(

25. I have black hair. Yes I am Asian but don't judge.

26. I think most guys with long hair are attractive. I'll be more drawn towards feminine guys (bishies/ ikemen) than hunks.

27. I dislike sports but I'll make swimming an exception because I love water.

28. I won't tell you my birthday but I can tell you my horoscope. It's pisces. My Zodiac is a Pig~ oink!

29. My dream house is a castle in the middle of the forest near a lake that is isolated from huma- I mean people. I want to have the castle bustling with the laughter of children so I might adopt a few. Several maids and butlers to help me with them would be nice. I won't mind teaching English.

30. I don't think fat people are funny. I think they are hilarious! (Sorry for stereotyping but I see all fa- I mean fluffy people as funny as Gabriel Iglesias...)

31. I'm not afraid to offend people with what I say. I dont lie but that doesn't mean I don't know how. I choose not to.

32. I can't cook to save my life. I actually did add soap powder in mushroom Campbell soup by mistaking it for salt.

33. I have an I-pod 2nd Generation but I did not buy it. I won it from a competition by helping a friend edit his script and playing the piano.

34. I love pencils more than pen. I have a favourite mechanical pencil. It's an orange Pilot mechanical pencil that I refuse to use. (It's 0.7)

35. I always wished I was a boy because I could have become a lot stronger. I hate losing in physical battles because of how weak I am. (Partially the reason why I chose to fight verbally)

36. I want to travel the world and see new things. I don't want to settle down in one place for too long.

37. I would rather spend a time watching penguins and puffins rather than sit in a cinema watching a box office hit any day.

38. I'm an IT idiot actually.

39. I'm also a biology idiot.

40. I sleep instantly with numbers in my face. That's the only cure for my insomnia.

41. I am interested with the mafia, yakuza and triad groups. I'll be crazy enough to join them if they will tell me all their wonderful stories.

42. Insects and creepy crawlies scare the shit out of me. No, don't try it.

43. I'm attracted to danger. I have a flight or fight instinct, it's just rather weak when danger comes into the equation.

44. I'm currently thinking of what else to write about myself. I don't deem myself interesting enough. 100 things are too many. 

45. I don't sense sarcasm well. I can't detect them the same way I can't detect lies.

46. I have never taken a test to see what kind of blood group I belong to be I wish I was an AB type. That would at least justify my personality.

47. According to online personality tests, I am an INTJ type of person... wonder what that really means.

48. I do not speak or read or write any other language as well as I do with English.

49. I would rather lose my legs than my hands.

50. I cannot live without sight or sound. I have been temporarily blind and deaf before. They were not very pleasant experiences. 

51. I take a long time to shower (an hour or so) because I like water. Water makes me relaxed and after a few sleepless night I tend to fall asleep in the shower.

52. As much as I am attracted to danger, I will never do drugs unless they include Panadol and Aspirin.

53. I need a calculator to add more than two 2-digit numbers.

54. My younger brother is taller than me.

55. Some people online think that I am a very hot guy (from my personality). They think me in make up is my girlfriend.

56. I used to think people in posters were Gods or cartoons so the first time I saw my minister I was amazed he was a living person.

57. I did not buy the reason for rain was that the bird peed in the sky when I was three. The person who gave me that reason was my babysitter who was as dear as my mother. 

58. I had always been the kind of person to start something and not finish it.

59. If I were given a wish in which I would die the second after it was granted, I would wish to know the entire universe's secrets. From things we know to the past and into the future.

60. I believe in true love and love at first sight. However I believe that these kinds of love are not the most touching ones.

61. I only know that love is a bittersweet feeling, more bitter than sweet. Happiness is fleeting but that fleeting moment is the sweetest. Without suffering, there is no way to enjoy happiness. Without bitterness of the cocoa in the chocolate we might never appreciate the sweetness of sugar and milk in it.

62. I do get lonely at times but because I'm not that expressive, people often think I'm not bothered by it.

63. I long gave up on trying to fit in with society because when I tried to, I was bullied. I made my decision to screw fitting in and tried carving my own place in society. It was difficult but not impossible.

64. My favourite colours are black, violet, white, silver and sky blue.

65. I will never wear a bikini. It's something I won't ever have the confidence in wearing.

66. I ever tried jumping down from the second floor. I sprained my ankle badly and had many bruises.

67. My hair was ironed with my clothes once and I charred it once while cooking all in the same week. I wanted to chop it off but my friends deterred me from doing so.

68. If there was one attractive physical feature that I would say I have... it has to be my hands. They are the ones that allow me to play the piano, write and punch assholes.

69. I don't understand politics. I dont get why people waste time thinking of ways to trick other people.

70. If I could have one superpower, it would be the power of making my imagination come to reality.

71. My favourite number has to be 7. Seven colours in a rainbow, seven notes in music, seven days in a week...

72. I like the lotus. I think it is romantic.

73. The weird gothic like symbol you see whenever you come to my blog is actually designed by me. It represents me as a person only known to me.

74. I like Angelina Jolie, I think she is the prettiest person I know other than Andrej Pejic.

75. I still like the feeling of a hard copy book iin hand compaed to an e book.

76. When I watch a cartoon or an anime, I look out for the voices. Bad voices = I'm not watching this shit.

77. I like English subtitles when watching Anime.

78. I'm not a nice person by nature, neither am I mean. It varies from person to person.

79. I can't fit in a round laundry basket and roll.

80. I tried going into a washing machine during hide and sick, it did not work out.

81. I like swings and see saws.

82. The one thing you must do at a beach is to build sandcastles against the tide.

83. I don't like eating offal. :P

84. If you were my friend and depressed over childish things, chances are that I will slap you and scold you for it instead of comfort you.

85. If you look ugly I won't lie to you. However if you have a horrible personality, I won't hold back. I ever told someone "He may be ugly but your personality is uglier than him. I don't see a reason why you seem so smug dissing someone better than you." Guaranteed, he was handsome but I'm blind to handsome.

86. I wear heels to look taller even at the expense of my legs.

87. The one way to piss me off instantly is to comment about my height, how immature I look and call me a pig.

88. I can forgive but I can never forget unless it is your name and I'm not interested in you.

89. I'm not so kind to save people I don't know.

91. You didn't realise that 75 was missing.

92. According to the many tricks I fell for, you would look back up to check if 75 was really missing.

93. You're probably laughing. It's okay if you are not. I never expected you to read this far. If you did, do me a little favour to comment, follow or like this facebook page etc.

94. I won't tell you my gender but you are free to guess. (It should be obvious.)

95. I don't know how to be rich or famous but I don't think it matters so long as I can have money enough to live without worries and reach out to as many people as I can with the books I intend to write.

96. The best way to die for me is probably to save someone's life. I know I watch too many mafia movies where people jump in front of a bullet and die to save the protagonist before the protagonist goes insane and kills the antagonist who killed the guy's name whom everyone soon forgets at the credit screen.

97. If I could become a mythical creature I want to become a mermaid. I really love water. If I can't be a mermaid then I must become a phoenix who can fly and live forever.

98. I like the letters K and R and L. I don't like the letter U.

99. I think Amy Lee has a nice voice. I like Bring Me to life. Her sense of style is lovely. Wanna meet her in person if I can. Pity the group is not performing anymore :(

100. Something random for me would be a potato.

101. I have a Chinese name. In Japanese however, it would equate to 林 雪 文 (Hayashi Yuki Fumi/Bun).

That's all for the long "Me" time. Please do comment, check out my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DestinyAitsuji and follow me here~ I don't use Twitter often, so sorry about that. Thank you for having the patience to read all the way to the end!

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